. Summary: Modern Warfare 2 continues the gripping and heart-racing action as players face off against a new threat dedicated to bringing the world to the brink of collapse. An entirely new gameplay mode which supports 2-player co-operative play online that is unique from the single player story Modern Warfare 2 continues the gripping and heart-racing action as players face off against a new threat dedicated to bringing the world to the brink of collapse.
An entirely new gameplay mode which supports 2-player co-operative play online that is unique from the single player story campaign. Special Ops pits players into a gauntlet of time-trial and objective-based missions.
Rank-up as players unlock new Special Ops missions, each more difficult. Missions include highlights from the single player campaign, fan favorites from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and all new, exclusive missions. Setting a new bar for online multiplayer, Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer delivers new capabilities, customization, gamestates and modes, including: Create-a-Class Evolved. Secondary Weapons - Machine Pistols, Shotguns, Handguns, Launchers. Riot Shields. Equipment - Throwing Knives, Blast Shield, Tactical Insertion. Perk Upgrades.
Bling (Dual Attachments). Customizable Killstreaks - AC130, Sentry Gun, Predator Missile, Counter-UAV, Care Package. Accolades (Post match reports). Activision Expand. 8.8 out of 10 (rounded off to 9). The sequel to the game that revolutionised much of the fps-multiplayer experience had a lot of hype to 8.8 out of 10 (rounded off to 9).
The sequel to the game that revolutionised much of the fps-multiplayer experience had a lot of hype to live up to, and many of the points, it did. The story continued much of the same cinematic drama from the first game, and made a lot of changes to the multiplayer. The multiplayer now has more perks, and more killstreaks to choose from, which is fun. I have found some balancing issues with the game, and so have others, with much complaining on the grenade-launchers and 'akimbo' shotguns as secondary weapons, for example. This doesn't stop Modern Warfare 2 from being a great and over-all fun experience, which in many ways tops the original Modern Warfare game. So if that's what you're after, this game wont disappoint you.
Quite honestly, this game is very impressive (I could play spec ops all day), until you get to the live, which is, surprisingly, kinda Quite honestly, this game is very impressive (I could play spec ops all day), until you get to the live, which is, surprisingly, kinda boring. Since this is a live-centered game, I didn't give it an exceptionally high rating because I think the live system could be way better. It's really kind of sad that the live on COD5 is better.more fun, anyway.
In MW2, the maps are so damn huge and so many ppl camp I can go an entire match with about 2 kills and 1 or 2 deaths. Once, I decided to play AFK for a match and I didn't even die.
It's just not as hectic as it should be. In general, the entire system is just too uneven. Camping in a building and gunning down the idiots who keep walking by you is totally unsatisfying. I'm only satisfied with a game that rewards you for being good, and MW2 just rewards the addicts who play all the time and are not necessarily even that good. Eventually I just got bored and frustrated and decided to play Halo and Gears instead Expand. Seriously when i look up MW2 it has such ravishing reviews and such praise and is rated one of the top 25 Games of all time?!
The game is way Seriously when i look up MW2 it has such ravishing reviews and such praise and is rated one of the top 25 Games of all time?! The game is way over-hyped just like most Call Of Duty games. This is a very basic FPS With little to no variety in missions it comes back ever time to either Protect this thing, Run down this corridor and Shoot all the baddies before taking cover then repeat that for another 30 times in the same sequence.
MW2 is an over hyped Game Not saying its horrible like.cough. Cough. Ride to hell: retribution.Cough.
but It is way to over hyped for such a linear game and i clocked in at around 6-7 hours on my run of the Campaign. This game simply does NOT deserve its hype. Let's turn to history rather then idiotic fanboy fased arguments though. COD1 was a PC This game simply does NOT deserve its hype. Let's turn to history rather then idiotic fanboy fased arguments though. COD1 was a PC title, plain and simple. Consoles weren't even considered.
COD2 came out in 2003 developed mainly for the PC, then ported to the consoles, and was a huge success. 4 lengthy years later, COD4 was developed as a multiplatform game, but it seemed to be a bit superficial when compared to COD2. This was acceptible anyway, since mods came out and let players do whatever it was they wanted.
Then, 2 years after that, Activision is bought over and the new masters place enormous stress on IW to produce a title, ANY TITLE (quick glance at Treyarch's COD5) because clearly quantity is more important then quality. IW backstabs the PC community with the removal of dedicated servers and as such modding.
Everything about this game is indicative of a console game. It costs $60, it runs on dedicated servers, and it isn't moddable. I guess the series is shifting towards what makes more money, as consoles do in fact (at this time) have more potential. That's perfectly legitimate, but to even suggest that this rant covers half the problems produced by such ridiculous constraints is ludicrous.
I don't need to mention how badly this game fails. It's essentially a re-release of COD4 with different skins for the weapons.